Sunday, 8 March 2009

Importance of effective home page

Homepage is your company’s face to the world. It’s a place where potential customers first visited before doing any business with you. So ‘your facial depiction’ should better communicate with the users without any complexity or confusion. It should be as welcoming as possible. It should be interesting and appealing to all kind of users.

The home page is the most important page in the whole web site. It is the one page that the majority of your visitors will view. A poor homepage can destroy any chance of achieving your web site objectives, within a few seconds. A good home page is imperative for every successful web site. Your homepage should set-up the key elements necessary to close a sale or generate an enquiry.

Keep it new and fresh: The web world is evolving constantly. Every here and there new concepts and modifications become the part of the business. So make sure that that your website should reflect accordingly. Always keep the content of your home page fresh and up to date. New arrivals (products) should have their own place and special ones should be given top most priority on the home page. Concisely your home page be the most frequently changed/updated page on your siteHome page is the one page that all your visitors will view and is the blueprint for the success of your website. All web sites are organized around a home page that acts as a logical point of entry into the system of web pages. An improper home page can seriously jeopardize your website objectives. So it must be designed and updated frequently with utmost care.
Your home page is your internet home. It is the biggest asset and the 1st impression of your website to show off the visitors.

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